- S3 / E15 - Just Watch the Fireworks (One Tree Hill)
- S3 / E14 - All Tomorrow's Parties (One Tree Hill)
- S3 / E13 - The Wind That Blew My Heart Away (One Tree Hill)
- S3 / E12 - I've Got Dreams to Remember (One Tree Hill)
- S3 / E11 - Return of the Future (One Tree Hill)
- S3 / E10 - Brave New World (One Tree Hill)
- S3 / E09 - How a Resurrection Really Feels (One Tree Hill)
- S3 / E08 - The Worst Day Since Yesterday (One Tree Hill)
- S3 / E07 - Champagne for My Real Friends, Real Pain for My Sham Friends (One Tree Hill)
- S3 / E06 - Locked Hearts and Hand Grenades (One Tree Hill)